Shitennô-ji temple from the series " Comical Views of Famous Places in Osaka "by Yoshiume / Le temple de Shitennô-ji de la série " Vues Comiques de Célèbres lieux d'Osaka " par Yoshiume ( 1848-1854)
Vendor:Utagawa YoshiumeRegular price ¥33,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Shocho Ichikawa II as Ohman from the series " Flowers of the Theatrical World "by Yamamura Koka / Shocho Ichikawa II dans le role d'Ohman de la série " Les fleurs du monde théatral "par Yamamura Koka (1922)
Vendor:Yamamura KokaRegular price ¥90,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Shrimps of Ise Province from the series "Celebrated Products of Mountains and Seas " by Kuniyoshi (1852) / Crevettes de la Province d'Ise de la série "Célèbres produits des Montagnes et des Mers" par Kuniyoshi ( 1852)
Vendor:KuniyoshiRegular price ¥99,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Shun the Great by Utagawa Yoshimine / Shun le Grand par Yoshimine (1860')
Vendor:Utagawa YoshimineRegular price ¥70,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Shutendoji from the series "One hundred Tales of Japan and China" bdojiy Yoshitoshi/ Shuten de la série " Cent Contes du Japon et de Chine" par Yoshitoshi (1865)
Vendor:Tsukioka YoshitoshiRegular price ¥300,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Six Immortals Poets by Eisai / Les Six Poètes immortels par Eisai ( 1860-1880)
Vendor:EisaiRegular price ¥33,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Small Tchatched Roof by Tanaka Ryohei ( 1980)
Vendor:Tanaka RyoheiRegular price ¥60,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Snow at Ukimido Temple Hall in the water of Lake Biwa by Tsuchiya Koitsu / Neige sur le pavillon Ukimido dans les eaux du lac Biwa par Tsuchiya Koitsu
Vendor:Tsuchiya KoitsuRegular price ¥180,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Snow Garden at Early Spring from the series " Ladies of the Inner Halls of Chiyoda Palace " by Chikanobu / Jardin d'Hiver au début du Printemps de la série "Les Dames dans les salles intèrieures dy Palais Chiyoda par Chikanobu
Vendor:ChikanobuRegular price ¥60,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Snowy day at Honmon-ji Temple in Ikegami by Kawase Hasui / Jour neigeux au temple Honmon-ji dans le quartier d'Ikegami
Vendor:Kawase HasuiRegular price ¥900,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Snowy day at Ryogokubashi's bridge from the series " Snow,Moon,Flowers"by Kunichika / Jour neigeux sur le pont de Ryogoku de la série "Neige, Lune, Fleurs" par Kunichika
Vendor:KunichikaRegular price ¥110,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Snowy day at the five story Pagoda in Ueno by Takeda Shintaro / Jour neigeux sur la pagode à cinq étages de Ueno par Takeda Shintaro ( 1954)
Vendor:Takeda ShintaroRegular price ¥55,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Sodegaura Koi no Michi by Kunichika / Sodegaura Koi no Michi par Kunichika ( 1874)
Vendor:KunichikaRegular price ¥45,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Sparrow and Kaki ( Japanese Persimmon) by Shoun / Moineau et Kaki par Yamamoto Shoun (1910's)
Vendor:Yamamoto ShounRegular price ¥50,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Sparrow feeding by Gekko / Moineau se nourissant par Gekko (1910's)
Vendor:Ogata GekkoRegular price ¥50,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Sphinx by Yoshida Hiroshi / Sphinx par Yoshida Hiroshi (1925)
Vendor:Yoshida HiroshiRegular price ¥360,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Spring New Plants from the series "Genji Monogatari " by Kunisada / Nouvelles plantes de Printemps de la série "Genji Monogatari" par Kunisada (1840's)
Vendor:Kunisada /Toyokuni IIIRegular price ¥140,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Spring Willows by Tanaka Ryohei ( 1975)
Vendor:Tanaka RyoheiRegular price ¥90,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price perSold out -
Standing Beauty by Yoshitaki / Beauté debout par Yoshitaki
Vendor:YoshitakiRegular price ¥160,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Standing Crane by Kikuchi Yosai / Grue debout par Kikuchi Yosai ( 1930's)
Vendor:Kikuchi YosaiRegular price ¥44,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Star Lanterns at Hyakuninmachi in Aoyama from the series " 100 Famous Views in Various Provinces"by Hiroshige II / Lanternes des étoiles à Aoyama dans la province de KII de la série des " Cent célèbres Vues de Provinces Variés "par Hiroshige II (1859)
Vendor:Hiroshige IIRegular price ¥125,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Starling on a tree branch by Koson / Passereau sur une branche de cerisier par Koson ( 1910's)
Vendor:Ohara KosonRegular price ¥280,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Station of Fujieda from the Reisho Tokaido by Hiroshige / La station de Fujieda de la série " Reisho Tokaido" par Hiro
Vendor:HiroshigeRegular price ¥300,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per -
Station of Futakawa from the "53 stations of the Tokaido' by Hiroshige / La station de Futakawa from the series "53 stations of the Tokaido" by Hiroshige ( 1855)
Vendor:HiroshigeRegular price ¥88,000 JPYRegular priceUnit price per